Karen Tripson

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Hot Weather Cooking

I don’t know anyone in Seattle with air conditioning. Retailers have it but not the typical house. So when the heat wave comes we scramble to find the coolest spot and suffer through it. I have overhead fans, air purifiers and open windows but that’s no match against 90+ degree heat. The forecast for the weekend is frightening with one day in the triple digits. Cold food, cold beverages, cold showers. Other than hotel reservations what can you do?

On this sunny, breezy 70 degree Friday morning I decided to cook for the weekend so I’d be ready to eat whenever I felt like giving up my reading spot on the couch in front of two open windows. The menu for the weekend is simple and doesn’t require any recipes—unless you feel ambitious—while it’s still cool outside.

2 roast chickens — chopped vegetable salad — ranch potato salad — watermelon

Mike Vrobel of Dad Cooks Dinner was ahead of the heat wave posting this recipe for Instant Pot Ranch Potato Salad. It got my attention and I gathered the ingredients. As you may recall, I like Mike and totally trust him to test and re-test his recipes. He cooks everyday for kids so you understand what a tough audience he deals with. There are many recipes for potato salad and many have merits. This one is quite good—and who doesn’t like ranch dressing? Still warm from the Instant Pot, I was happy. I look forward to my next session when it will be properly chilled with all the flavors melded. I made my own dressing instead of buying his favorite brand Hidden Valley Ranch from the supermarket. That’s personal. Of course, you can boil the potatoes and eggs the old fashioned way. Stay cool.